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Java 12 Download - Free and Secure Software for Developers

How to Download and Install Java 12

Java is one of the most popular and widely used programming languages in the world. It powers millions of applications across various domains and platforms. Java is also a platform-independent language, which means that you can write your code once and run it on any system that supports Java.

Java releases a new version every six months, with long-term support (LTS) versions every three years. The latest version of Java is Java 12, which was released in March 2019. Java 12 is a non-LTS version, which means that it will not receive updates or security patches after September 2019. However, it introduces some new features and enhancements that are worth exploring.

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In this article, we will show you how to download and install Java 12 on your system. We will also cover some of the new features and improvements in Java 12 that you might find useful.

What's New in Java 12

Java 12 introduces a lot of new language features and performance improvements. Some of the most notable ones are:

  • Switch expressions: This feature allows you to use switch statements as expressions, which can return a value. It also simplifies the syntax and eliminates the need for break statements. For example:

int num = switch (day) case MONDAY -> 1; case TUESDAY -> 2; case WEDNESDAY -> 3; case THURSDAY -> 4; case FRIDAY -> 5; case SATURDAY -> 6; case SUNDAY -> 7; ;

  • File::mismatch method: This method compares two files and returns the position of the first mismatched byte in their contents. It can be useful for checking file integrity or detecting changes. For example:

Path file1 = Paths.get("file1.txt"); Path file2 = Paths.get("file2.txt"); long mismatch = Files.mismatch(file1, file2); if (mismatch == -1) System.out.println("The files are identical"); else System.out.println("The files differ at byte " + mismatch);

  • Compact number formatting: This feature allows you to format numbers using compact forms, such as "1K" for 1000 or "1M" for 1000000. It can be useful for displaying large numbers in a concise way. For example:

NumberFormat formatter = NumberFormat.getCompactNumberInstance(Locale.US, NumberFormat.Style.SHORT); System.out.println(formatter.format(1000)); // prints "1K" System.out.println(formatter.format(1000000)); // prints "1M"

  • Teeing collectors in Stream API: This feature allows you to apply two collectors to a stream and combine their results into a single value. It can be useful for performing multiple operations on a stream without having to process it twice. For example:

List numbers = List.of(1, 2, 3, 4, 5); int sum = .collect(Collectors.teeing( Collectors.summingInt(Integer::intValue), Collectors.counting(), (total, count) -> total / count.intValue() )); System.out.println(sum); // prints "3"

<strong How to Download Java 12

To download Java 12, you need to visit the official Oracle website and choose the right version and package for your system. You also need to agree to the Oracle license terms and verify the integrity of the downloaded file. Here are the steps to follow:

  • Go to the Java Archive Downloads - Java SE 12 page on the Oracle website.

  • Scroll down to find the Java SE Development Kit 12.0.2 section, which is the latest update for Java 12 at the time of writing this article.

  • Select the download link that matches your operating system and architecture. For example, if you are using Windows 10 64-bit, you can choose the jdk-12.0.2_windows-x64_bin.exe file.

  • You will be prompted to sign in with your Oracle account or create one for free. After signing in, you will see a page with the Oracle license agreement. Read it carefully and click Accept License Agreement if you agree.

  • The download will start automatically. You can check the progress of the download in your browser or download manager.

  • Once the download is complete, you can verify the integrity of the downloaded file by comparing its checksum with the one provided on the Oracle website. A checksum is a unique string that represents the content of a file. You can use various tools or commands to calculate and compare checksums, depending on your operating system. For example, on Windows, you can use the Get-FileHash command in PowerShell.

The following table shows the checksums for different Java 12 packages:

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java SE development kit (jdk) version: jdk_1.2.0_1.2.0_1.2.0_1.2.0_1.2.0_1.2.0_1.2.0_1.2.0_1.2.0_1.2.0_1.2.0_1.2.0_1.2.0_1.2.0_1.2.0_1.

File Name

SHA256 Checksum














</tr How to Install Java 12

After downloading Java 12, you need to install it on your system. The installation process may vary depending on the type of package you downloaded and the operating system you are using. Here are the general steps to follow:

  • If you downloaded an executable file (.exe or .dmg), you can run it by double-clicking on it or right-clicking and choosing Run as administrator. This will launch a graphical installer that will guide you through the installation process. You can accept the default settings or customize them according to your preferences.

  • If you downloaded an archive file (.tar.gz or .zip), you can extract it to a location of your choice using a tool like WinZip or 7-Zip. This will create a folder named jdk-12.0.2 (or similar) that contains the Java files. You can move this folder to any location you want, but make sure you remember its path.

  • After installing or extracting Java 12, you need to set up some environment variables and paths that will allow your system to recognize and use Java. The most important ones are JAVA_HOME, which points to the location of your Java installation, and PATH, which includes the location of the Java executable files. You can set these variables either globally or locally, depending on your needs and preferences.

  • To set the environment variables globally, you need to access the system settings of your operating system and look for the option to edit environment variables. For example, on Windows 10, you can go to Start > Settings > System > About > Advanced system settings > Environment Variables. On Mac OS X, you can go to Applications > Utilities > Terminal and use the export command. On Linux, you can use the export command in a terminal or edit the .bashrc file in your home directory.

  • To set the environment variables locally, you can use the command prompt or terminal of your operating system and use the set or export command. For example, on Windows 10, you can open a command prompt and type: set JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-12.0.2 and set PATH=%PATH%;%JAVA_HOME%\bin. On Mac OS X or Linux, you can open a terminal and type: export JAVA_HOME=/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk-12.0.2.jdk/Contents/Home and export PATH=$PATH:$JAVA_HOME/bin.

  • To test if Java 12 is installed correctly, you can use the java -version command in a command prompt or terminal. This will display the version and build number of your Java installation. For example, on Windows 10, you should see something like this: java version "12.0.2" 2019-07-16 Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 12.0.2+10) Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 12.0.2+10, mixed mode, sharing). If you see an error message or a different version number, you may need to check your environment variables and paths again.


In this article, we have shown you how to download and install Java 12 on your system. We have also covered some of the new features and enhancements in Java 12 that you might find useful for your programming projects.

If you want to learn more about Java 12 and its features, you can visit the following links:

  • What's New in JDK 12: This page provides an overview of the new features and enhancements in Java 12.

  • JDK 12 Documentation: This page provides the official documentation for Java 12, including tutorials, guides, reference materials, and API specifications.

  • JDK 12 Release Notes: This page provides the release notes for Java 12, including known issues, compatibility notes, and security information.

We hope you have enjoyed this article and found it helpful. If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to leave a comment below or contact us through our website.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some of the most common questions that people ask about Java 12:

  • Is Java 12 free?

Yes, Java 12 is free to download and use for personal and commercial purposes. However, Oracle requires that you agree to their license terms before downloading and using their products. You can read the Oracle license agreement here: Oracle Binary Code License Agreement for Java SE.

  • How long will Java 12 be supported?

Java 12 is a non-LTS (long-term support) version, which means that it will not receive updates or security patches after September 2019. If you want to use a version of Java that will be supported for longer, you can choose Java 11, which is the latest LTS version and will be supported until September 2026.

  • How can I switch between different versions of Java on my system?

If you have multiple versions of Java installed on your system, you can switch between them by changing the JAVA_HOME and PATH environment variables. You can either do this manually or use a tool like jEnv or SDKMAN! that can manage multiple Java versions for you.

  • How can I learn more about Java programming?

If you want to learn more about Java programming, you can check out some of the online courses and tutorials that are available on various platforms. For example, you can try Learn Java on Codecademy, Java Tutorial on W3Schools, or Java Programming on Coursera.

  • How can I get help with Java programming?

If you need help with Java programming, you can ask questions and get answers from other programmers on various online forums and communities. For example, you can use Stack Overflow, Reddit, or Quora to post your questions and get feedback from experts and peers.


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