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How to Download Coswin 7i for Free

How to Download Coswin 7i for Free

Coswin 7i is a software for Computer Maintenance Management and Enterprise Asset Management that helps companies to increase their profitability by improving the management of corporate assets, improving employee productivity and reducing costs[^5^] [^6^]. Coswin 7i provides a central register of corporate facilities and assets, managing and optimising all the maintenance activities and recording a full history of work completed, including spares, tools, resources and costs[^5^]. Coswin 7i also integrates the management and purchasing of spare parts and services[^5^].


If you are looking for a way to download Coswin 7i for free, you might be disappointed to know that this software is not available for free download. Coswin 7i is a commercial software that requires a license to use[^5^]. You can request a quote or a demo from the official website of Siveco Group, the developer of Coswin 7i[^6^] [^7^]. Alternatively, you can contact one of their partners or distributors in your region[^6^].

However, if you want to try out Coswin 7i before buying it, you can download a free trial version from the Software Informer website[^5^]. This trial version will allow you to test some of the features and functionalities of Coswin 7i for a limited period of time. To download the trial version, you need to register on the Software Informer website and follow the instructions provided. Please note that the trial version might not be the latest version of Coswin 7i and might have some limitations or restrictions compared to the full version[^5^].

Therefore, if you want to enjoy all the benefits of Coswin 7i for your maintenance management and enterprise asset management needs, you will need to purchase a license from Siveco Group or their partners. Coswin 7i is a powerful and user-friendly software that will help you improve your performance and profitability[^6^].Here are some more paragraphs for the article:

Coswin 7i is a web-based software that can be accessed from any device with an internet connection and a web browser. Coswin 7i has a modular structure that allows you to choose the features and functions that suit your needs and budget. Some of the modules available in Coswin 7i are:

  • Asset Management: This module helps you to manage your assets and equipment, from acquisition to disposal, including technical data, warranties, contracts, documents, spare parts, etc.

  • Work Order Management: This module helps you to plan, schedule, execute and monitor all the maintenance activities, from preventive to corrective, including work requests, work orders, resources, costs, etc.

  • Inventory Management: This module helps you to manage your spare parts and consumables inventory, from procurement to consumption, including suppliers, orders, deliveries, stock levels, etc.

  • Service Management: This module helps you to manage your service contracts and agreements with external providers or customers, including service levels, invoices, payments, etc.

  • Reporting and Analysis: This module helps you to generate and analyse various reports and indicators on your maintenance performance and asset condition, using graphical dashboards, charts, tables, etc.

Coswin 7i also offers some additional features and functions that enhance its usability and functionality. Some of these are:

  • Multi-language and multi-currency support: Coswin 7i can be used in different languages and currencies according to your preferences and needs.

  • Data import and export: Coswin 7i can import and export data from and to various formats and sources, such as Excel, CSV, XML, SQL, etc.

  • Data security and backup: Coswin 7i ensures the security and integrity of your data by using encryption, authentication, authorization and backup mechanisms.

  • Data integration and interface: Coswin 7i can integrate and interface with other software systems and applications, such as ERP, CRM, GIS, SCADA, etc.

  • User customization and configuration: Coswin 7i allows you to customize and configure various aspects of the software according to your preferences and needs. For example: user profiles, menus, screens, fields, filters, alerts, etc.



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